About noon today, we set out to find the Beverly stop and conquer the train. The plan was to catch the 12:36, ride to North Station; take the Orange line to State Street and then Blue to the Aquarium. We agreed ahead of time that we would define success as getting on to begin with and getting back home. Any other achievements would be considered fortuitous, but not necessary to the final celebration. Our first break was to find an even closer stop at Montserrat, barely 5 minutes from the house. We got ticketing info from other passengers, climbed the icy platform and boarded the train.
üObjective number one successfully completed

Good signage and Hubby’s advanced research brought us directly to the Aquarium – no sweat, so we braved the elements again and walked a short block to Legal Seafood for lunch. After enjoying incredible food, and a visit with a 15.8 lb lobster (112 years old, $274 cooked any way you want it) we set out on the return trip, feeling like kings of the world. When we arrived at North Station, we discovered that the commuter trains do not run as frequently on Sunday, so we had to hunker down for a two hour wait. So much for advanced research…Ugh!
*****And then it happened*****

Eventually, our train was called, and we boarded with our royal coachmates for a pretty uneventful ride back to Montserrat. We arrived to find the landscape wrapped elegantly in the snow you have been seeing on the news. We stomped through the 4 – 5 inches that had accumulated in our six hours away to find the Yukon, buried. Driving home, we followed tracks in the snow to identify the roads, but arrived safe and relatively dry. Jeans and sox in the dryer; coats and scarves hanging on hooks by the back door; middle-aged bodies cuddled up in flannel jammies and warm slippers.
üObjective number two successfully completed
What a great way to spend a day, and the Surprise Princesses are a wonderful touch. WHEEEEEE