All over New England, the detritus of multiple snow storms leans against walls and crowds walkways – shrinking infinitesimally with every day of feeble sunshine. This dirty, icy glacier crouches on the asphalt behind our townhouse, probably 8 feet tall, extending almost 50 feet along our south wall. The sidewalk on that side of the building will be buried until spring!!
The mild weather of the last few days has encouraged us to venture outside at last. It is still really cold, but the roads are dry and the sky is bright and clear.
We layered up and headed out of state.
A friend recommended a drive to Portsmith, New Hampshire to stroll the downtown area – long on charm and less than an hour away. Highway One wanders sort of north-easterly through a frozen hardwood forest. It looks rural. The reality is that the population is pretty dense, even up here, but the towns nestle into the landscape and lots and lots of trees stay in place. Small businesses dominate the economy.
Even on the highway, we passed few monster stores and almost no fast food at all. (Buying a coke on the road is tough without McDonalds and Taco Bell at every exit. We stopped at a state liquor store in NH, only to find that they sold, well … liquor … and that is ALL.)
We stopped to check out the Adirondack chairs at the Village Hardware Store in Hampton. Come spring, I will be owning the purple ones. I think he should get an “A” in marketing!!
Parking in Portsmith limited us to 2 hours – just enough time to dawdle through a few galleries and boutiques before lunch in the brewery. In spare New England prose, the local free paper straight talked its way into hubby’s cynical heart. Who wouldn’t love a comments section called “Hate Mail” and an editorial cartoon featuring Reagan as an idol à la Easter Island? I may have to cross stitch a sampler … “LIVE FREE OR DIE”. I could not resist suede gloves with fluffy faux fur cuffs in a place called Odd Gallery, a bohemian mishmash of resale, yarn arts and handmade jewelry.
Once my spouse had exhausted his patience for tchotchkes we headed for Kittery, Maine where we visited outlet stores along with the Kittery Trading Post, Disneyland for Big Boys. It’s a three story outdoor bonanza in knotty pine decorated with trophies that used to make their living being moose or bear.
By late afternoon, we had traipsed and gawked sufficiently to call it a day. We turned south just as the huge orange sun started to slide behind the horizon. Three states in 6 hours! We are tired babies now!!